Allan Colby, originally from upstate New York, has been involved with Chateau Garage since our ’98 vintage. He is also our chief resident Francophile… or more accurately, semi-resident, since he and his wife have a second home in southwest France, where they spend half the year.
His tastes in wine are wide-ranging (i.e., he’ll drink anything), but he’s most attracted to wines that well balanced. Most California wine is greatly over-priced, he claims, especially when compared to Cahors and the other local vintages he drinks in France for the equivalent of $6 or $7 a bottle.
I am the Wine Competition Coordinator for the Alameda County Fair. I would like to send out some information about our Amateur Wine Competition coming in June.
I would greatly appreciate if I could send you or one of your winemaking colleges information on our Competition.
If you think someone else would be interested in our Amateur Wine Competition, I would be happy to contact them and send information directly to them.
Thank you for your time.
Patty Cuellar
Sorry about the delay. We’ll be contacting you via email.
Sam/CG Admin.